Rendang is cow meat simmered in spices and coconut milk. You’ll find rendang in Padang restaurants or food stall. There are two kind of rending, dry rendang and kalio (wet rendang). The cooking process of dry rending was longer than wet rendang.
The characteristic of wet rending are its souce more liquid and its color is yellow-brown, not yet brown-black like dry rendang. Rendang have unique characteristic, its taste deliciously oily and salty, sweet, and hot which balanced, and spicier.There are no cooking standard or standard recipes of rendang, so the taste can be differ among food stall or restaurants. The variants of taste depend on condiment and spices which used. Commonly, spices used in rendang recipes are red chili, red onion, garlic, galangal, ginger, turmeric, turmeric leaves, bay leaves, lemongrass, candlenuts, salt, sugar and kandis sour fruit. If you can not mixed spices above, you can buy instant rendang spices in supermarkets. See rendang recipes.
Article source :Kompas, this article is part of an article written by Prof. DR. Made Astawan, “Makan Rendang Dapat Protein dan Mineral!”, edited and translated by reog.
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